गुरुवार, 18 जून 2015
मानवीय संवेदनाएॅं - मानवाधिकार - कानून से कितने ऊपर ?
शुक्रवार, 12 जून 2015
‘‘आप’’ की ‘‘नैतिकता’’ आप ‘के’ लिये
शुक्रवार, 5 जून 2015
मैगी पर ‘‘बवाल’’ 32 साल से जमा ‘‘उबाल’’ ! सभी खाद्यान्नों पर सवाल?
गुरुवार, 4 जून 2015
Pregnant women who exercise are less likely to have a Caesarean or give birth to a large baby
- Exercising cuts Caesarean risk by 20% and chance of large baby by 31%
- It raises the chance of giving birth to a baby that is normal weight
- Babies born large tend to be heavier as children and into adulthood
- Advising expecting women to exercise could prevent childhood obesity
Pregnant women have Caesarean exercise reduces the risk of the fifth, according to a new study.
They also nearly one-third less likely to give birth to a big baby, the study showed.
Previous studies suggest that larger babies are more likely to have weight problems as adults.
Physical exercise and increase their chances of normal weight infants, Canadian scientists say.
Play Exercises For Pregnant Women
Pregnant women who exercise have cut a fifth of the risk of caesarean section, a study finds
Pregnant women who exercise are less likely to have a Caesarean or give birth to a large baby
- Exercising cuts Caesarean risk by 20% and chance of large baby by 31%
- It raises the chance of giving birth to a baby that is normal weight
- Babies born large tend to be heavier as children and into adulthood
- Advising expecting women to exercise could prevent childhood obesity
Pregnant women have Caesarean exercise reduces the risk of the fifth, according to a new study.
They also nearly one-third less likely to give birth to a big baby, the study showed.
Previous studies suggest that larger babies are more likely to have weight problems as adults.
Physical exercise and increase their chances of normal weight infants, Canadian scientists say.
Play Exercises For Pregnant Women
Pregnant women who exercise have cut a fifth of the risk of caesarean section, a study finds
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